KINK3D Events
The following calendar is kept as up to date as possible. However, please note that KINK3D team travel plans are subject to change depending on circumstances.
Upcoming Events
Darklands (Antwerp, BE)
Feb 28 - Mar 2
Find us at the Mr. S Leather area for our first European in-person sizing event featuring the new Viper as well as the classic Cobra!
Filthy Studios - Unlocking Chastity (Oakland, CA)
Mar 5
We'll be presenting a class on all things chastity, with a chance for in-person expert sizing afterwards! Tickets here.
IML (Chicago, IL)
May 30 - June 1
Fetish Week London - FWL (London, UK)
July 10-13
Mr. S Leather - In-Store Sizing (San Francisco, CA)
July 26
Dore Alley (San Francisco, CA)
July 27
Mr. S Leather - In-Store Sizing (San Francisco, CA)
Sept 26-27
Folsom Street Fair (San Francisco, CA)
Sept 28
MIR (Chicago, IL)
Oct 18-20